
(WinsMac) 快安裝「LonelyScreen」,你的電腦也能接收iPhone 的 ...

LonelyScreen 的安裝過程相當簡單,下載檔案後只要滑鼠左鍵連點兩下開啟「lonelyscreen-win-installer.exe」安裝檔,依照步驟進行安裝就可以了。 但Windows 使用者要注意的是 ...

Screen Mirroring problem

Using LonelyScreen for screen mirroring from my iPhone 11 - but when playing a video from a browser on my phone, the LonelyScreen window on my PC goes blank.


LonelyScreen is a program for Windows and macOS that allows you to display the screen and audio from your iPhone or iPad on your computer via AirPlay.


▽首先,在Windows或Mac電腦下載LonelyScreen AirPlay接收器,並完成安裝。 ▽接著出現以下畫面,表示等待接收中…。可以將預設的LonelyScreen修改成自己要的名字。

LonelyScreen 評論|資訊指南和評估[新增]

LonelyScreen 可讓您將iPhone 或iPad 鏡像到電腦和Mac,並將媒體檔從iOS 設備投射到更大的螢幕上,並具有錄製功能的額外優勢。 在此LonelyScreen 評論中,您 ...

AirPlay Receiver on Windows and OSX

LonelyScreen is a AirPlay receiver for Windows and MAC. It is like an Apple TV running on your desktop. You can cast anying from your iPhone or iPad to your ...

Download LonelyScreen

Download for Windows Version: 1.2.15 File Size: 600 KB System Requirements: Win10, Win8/8.1, Win7, Vista, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

AirPlay Receiver on Windows and OSX

AirPlay Receiver for PC/MAC. Cast iPhone/iPad screen to PC/MAC easily. Music, Movies and Screen Mirroring. Get started today. Download · Quick Start · About · Support

Free Trial Download

Free Trial Download: ; Version: 1.2.15 ; File Size: 600 KB ; System Requirements: Win10, Win8/8.1, Win7, Vista, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 ; Other Platform:

Help with streaming SW, or playing on computer with fullscreen?

LonelyScreen is an app for your PC or Mac that lets you mirror your mobile device to the computer and screen record at the same time. I find ...


LonelyScreen的安裝過程相當簡單,下載檔案後只要滑鼠左鍵連點兩下開啟「lonelyscreen-win-installer.exe」安裝檔,依照步驟進行安裝就可以了。但Windows使用者要注意的是 ...,UsingLonelyScreenforscreenmirroringfrommyiPhone11-butwhenplayingavideofromabrowseronmyphone,theLonelyScreenwindowonmyPCgoesblank.,LonelyScreenisaprogramforWindowsandmacOSthatallowsyoutodisplaythescreenandaudiofromyouriPhoneoriPadony...